Scrum vs Agile


Agile : Agile is set of principles and values. It says what do in software development but not how to do. The set of principles, codified in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development and Principles Behind the Agile Manifest.

Benefits of Agile

  1. Improved Quality: By frequent delivery in sprints, team take care of quality by frequent testing, frequent build and frequent review.
  2. Business Value: By frequent review to client, the client sees actual product very early. Also, prioritize user stories are delivered first which gives business value to customer.
  3. Transparency: Everything is transparent in agile. In form of scrum board as well as metrics like Burn down chart or burn up chart everyone can see the current status of project.
  4. Early and Predictable Delivery: By using time-boxed, fixed schedule Sprints of 1-4 weeks, new features are delivered quickly and frequently, with a high level of predictability.
  5. Allowed Changes: Due to frequent product backlog grooming, frequent changes are allowed. Product owner prioritize user stories and development team delivers it in sprints.

Scrum: Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, and deliver products of the highest possible value. Scrum follows agile principles and values. Scrum says how to work. Scrum have well defined roles.

Difference Between Scrum and Agile

1. Agile is a set of principles and values.Scrum is a framework which follows agile principles and values.
2. Agile is an umbrella term. Scrum comes under agile or its a child term under agile.
3. Agile does not say how to do software development.Scrum have defined roles and ceremonies.
4. Customer satisfaction is top most priorityScrum works in Empirical process controls which working in a fact-based, experience-based, and evidence-based manner
5. Agile was coined after scrum.Scrum was coined before agile
6. Agile process, leadership plays a vital roleScrum fosters a self-organizing, cross-functional team.
7. Agile involves collaborations and face-to-face interactions between the members of various cross-functional teams.Scrum, collaboration is achieved in daily stand up meeting with a fixed role assigned to scrum master, product owner, and team members.
Daily Gyan
I am IT professional with more than 9 years of experience. I would try my best to share my experience and knowledge through this Blog. I am also an national level Table Tennis Player